A 1000 US Dollar SEO Contest!

The UK Webmaster World community held a SEO, Search Engine Optimization Contest. The major prize is worth $1000 and 3 Runner Ups for $100 each. The participants will compete on keywords to get the #1 rank in Google search. The UKWW announced the keyword to rank last February 1, 2008 and the keyword is “SEOcontest2008“.

If you are interested to join, you have to register on the UKWW forum and then, register your domain for the contest. The domain name, sub-domain, folder should be brand new means, NO Cached version and NO back links. All SEO strategies are allowed, and avoid using unethical approach such as cloaking or hiding of text to avoid disqualification. Follow the rules provided!

The SEOcontest2008 winners will be declared on the 1st of April 2008, at 1PM UK time. You can see the list of participants here, and the list of top ranking websites/blogs entry are here.

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